Living the Poetry
I went for a walk today
in search of poetry.
A little inspiration
in something I might see.
It wasn't a particularly beautiful day,
Cloudy and a bit cold.
But from time to time
the clouds would part
and wash the world in gold.
It wasn't quite mesmerizing
still no poetry came to me.
So I decided to take a load off,
and parked myself beneath a tree.
I just sat there for a while
to see what I could see.
And what struck me most
was that there was no one,
not a soul around but me.
Well, that's not exactly true.
There were a couple birds up in this tree,
but they were busy doing bird things,
not at all concerned with me.
And a squirrel up on a power line,
also without a care,
as far as I could see.
And in that very moment
a poem came to me.
But I did not write it down,
I just enjoyed my time under that tree.
I'll save the poem for later,
because I'm living the poetry.
No Words Needed
In the midnight silence they embrace.
Cheek to cheek and face to face.
Two brave souls join as one,
no words spoken.
Conversations of silence,
stories in sighs.
Everything is written
in the depths of their eyes.
Hearts beating together,
not in unison,
but one for the other.
In the rhythm of love,
not the tension of lovers.
The warmth of embrace,
cheek to cheek face to face.
A moment shared,
a feeling, a believing.
In loves light they stand,
Cheek to cheek, face to face,
hand in hand.
Two souls join as one,
no words spoken.
No words are needed.
Four kisses
One for yesterday,
One for today,
One for tomorrow,
And one for forever.
Yesterday's kiss is long and sweet,
covering all the times we miss.
Today's kiss is full of fire,
searing with passion,
it has no time to reminisce.
Tomorrow's kiss is a promise
of all the Kisses yet to come.
And finally forever's kiss
is the softest and gentlest kiss.
It is the kiss that makes us whole.
Given beyond the physical,
beyond worlds,
given from the depths of our soul.
All my kisses are for you,
and I pray for yours in return.
for they are the first, last, and only kisses
I ever hope to earn.
Whisky and Poetry
Browsing the shelves
seeing what there is to see
a little high on rye,
a vision comes to me.
The look in your eyes,
smoldering erotic,
begs a good time.
Gorgeous, Exotic.
A bold and beautiful
Celtic Lass.
Emerald eyes
and auburn hair
make this Irish heart
beat fast.
I wish to kiss
her ruby red lips,
caress that creamy skin,
with my calloused fingertips.
So stunning is She
My eyes drink her in.
A vision of innocence
a temptation of sin.
A paperback novel
a bookstore harlequin.
A 35 mm dream girl
posed to please,
fluffed, brushed, and filtered
not reality.
But in my mind she's mine,
as long as I want her to be.
Under the veil of
Whisky, and Poetry.
In his arrogance he promised her the World.
In his defeat all he could afford her was his heart.
In reality his heart is all she ever wanted.
It meant the World to her.
My Love
My love is not dependent on return,
My love never needed to be learned.
Nuances have been molded,
sculpted, and refined.
But the love,
My Love.
The very core of it,
Is blind.
Desert Moon
As the sun sets
And the moon
climbs high
Into the night,
Casting a
translucent sapphire
glow across the land.
I warm my bones
beside the fire.
The solitude speaking
to my very soul.
A child of the night
howls to its lover moon,
I howl back,
and for a moment
two lone wolves
are united
In song.
I drink my coffee
And listen to
His cries I share
His pain.
But do not howl back.
I leave him to his
For just this night
In reflection of fire
and moonlight.
I am at peace with
the world.