Checkout The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost just added to the Classic Poetry section of this page. 3/3/25 -Thanks- Todd
About Me
My name is Todd Summers, I was born in Fenton, Michigan
in December 1964.
I currently live in North Carolina.
A retired furniture worker, father of 1 extremely talented son.
Currently spending my second life in the endeavor of being the best poet I can be.
Trying to enjoy life, and cross as many things off my bucket list as physically, mentally, and financially possible.
Hopefully leaving behind a body of work that touches people in some small way, whether it be through inspiration, laughter, or commiseration and empathy of pain.
I will be sharing more about me and my story in the future but this seems like a good spot to stop for now. Thanks.
2/19/25 Todd Summers
Why a Website?
This website is kind of a consolidated and condensed version of all my poetry related endeavors.
Beyond just the writing of the poetry, I have a very active You Tube channel that allows me to present my poems in more creative ways than just words on a page.
I strongly recommend visiting the channel and subscribing as this is the best way you can support my efforts.
If You Tube is not your thing, I have a page on Facebook.
Search for Todd Summers Poetry.
Or to support this page directly click the Buy Me a Coffee link below.
If your interested in purchasing my book visit the merchandise page on this site.
I will soon be offering personalized poems through this site but until that is finalized you can contact me direct through the email link.
So it's called Poem of the Day but I typically only change it twice a week. This will likely change as the site generates more traffic.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Poem of the Day
This is one of the poems From the Fireside Poetry Sessions.
I was asked to do this series for the Unsigned Network,an off shoot of Talent Zone on the ROKU Network.
Everyday Love
Saying I love you everyday
Expressing that love in so many ways.
Showing you time and time again
that my love for you will never end.
I don't do it like a chore,
not a job, or task,
It's simply so your heart never has to ask.
Do you love me?
Do you care?
Where were you,
why weren't you there?
I'm right here Baby.
every single day.
And my heart is yours, and yours alone.
In every possible way.
To view videos made for the Poem of the Day visit my You Tube Channel.

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